Wednesday, March 27, 2013

False Start....

I finally decided to take everyone's advice and just 'relax' before the baby decides to arrive.  Stupidly though, i decided to relax in the sun and pool and chat to some friends on the phone.  I had no idea about the time passing but I left with very red skin*.

Later that evening, I started getting contractions very close together - they were at about 3-4 minutes for about 2 hours.  We left Ziggy in Gloria's hands (he cheerfully waved us byebye when she arrived!) and headed to hospital.  The doctor had said that when the contractions get to 6 minutes apart to head in, so we were pretty sure that we'd be having a baby very soon.  We sat for a long time in a triage room and were told to walk around the ward for an hour to see if we could help things along - My situation was currently not much different from my last doctor's check up earlier in the week.

We did as we were told only to find, after an hour that the contractions, although getting stronger and more painful, were actually spacing out.

We left for home shortly after midnight, feeling pretty disappointed that we weren't going to meet our baby just yet.

Triage room, feeling cheery depsite the horrible hospital gown and another family the other side of the curtain.  (and a bit nervous too)



Dancing around the IV pole!

Ravioli anyone?

*  Apparently the sunburn could be what triggered the contractions.  Who knew?

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Here is a clip of my tummy hiccupping. Well, Azora hiccuping inside my tummy. I had been getting this rhythmic 'kicking' since I could feel her moving, but it wasn't until my OB check up last week when he saw it and said that she was hiccuping that I knew what it was! Apparently it shows that her neurological systems are developing well.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Final Ultrasound

Here is the recording of Azora's final ultrasound.  We were so happy to see her face - usually by this point in the pregnancy they are so compressed that it makes seeing faces very difficult. We are hoping that this is a sign of future cooperativeness!!