Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Swim

This weekend brought with it another wonderful opportunity to spend time in the pool. Azora is already miles ahead of where Ziggy was at this age because i have been splashing her much more in the bath and she is naturally more confident and happy in the water. Here are some pictures and a little video clip of our antics!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kneesy Crawling

Azora has been doing this for a while now - getting her knees up under her tummy and trying to go forwards. I want to feel frustrated for her but she is generally so happy that I don't. Any day now, she'll be whizzing around the place on all fours!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Azora moves in to her own room!

There is still a bit work to do, but this morning we finally got crib into her room. After putting up an impressive fight, I eventually got her to sleep in my arms.  More impressive is that I also managed to transfer her to the crib and she stayed sleeping.  10 minutes so far and counting!    zzzzz

IKEA are delivering the sofa bed, rug and side tables this afternoon.  I am going to move her name bunting and start work on designing some butterfly cushions, and window decals - to help block some of the sun - it shines in all afternoon from two directions and gets very hot.   I am also going to move her two drawer units back in to the closet but that needs a lot of rejigging with our clothes and her changing station etc.. so might be a bit longer!  

More photos to follow!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Azora's 6 month check up

Azora's 6 month check up went well.  She is perfectly normal weight-wise, and in all ways.  
Dr Okonkwo was pleased with her food eating progress, yay!  

I asked what milestones and developments we should be looking for and highlights are 
  • crawling
  • holdling objects and passing from one hand to the other
  • sitting up unassisted
  • continued variety of new foods and textures
She's doing well on all these counts, especially close to crawling with her tummy off the floor and sitting up for longer.  And, I think I have already seen her passing her pacifier from one hand to the other.  

She's giggling a lot more now too, but I think that's more thrilling to us as parents than her pediatrician!!

Temperature being taken
Weighing in like a big girl - sitting upright!
Another view of her sitting nicely on her own!
Daddy cuddles!