Monday, October 7, 2013

Azora moves in to her own room!

There is still a bit work to do, but this morning we finally got crib into her room. After putting up an impressive fight, I eventually got her to sleep in my arms.  More impressive is that I also managed to transfer her to the crib and she stayed sleeping.  10 minutes so far and counting!    zzzzz

IKEA are delivering the sofa bed, rug and side tables this afternoon.  I am going to move her name bunting and start work on designing some butterfly cushions, and window decals - to help block some of the sun - it shines in all afternoon from two directions and gets very hot.   I am also going to move her two drawer units back in to the closet but that needs a lot of rejigging with our clothes and her changing station etc.. so might be a bit longer!  

More photos to follow!

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